
This has all been just wonderful!

Thank you again for looking after me. Your skills and empathy have helped me get back on the right track again and I've already read that book of yours twice! This has all been just wonderful!
(Trish 69 yrs)

You gave me hope

I am so grateful for your help and time and so appreciated your support. It was pivotal to my recovery during the course of my depression and the highlight of my week. When it got too difficult, I just remembered what you said and I got through it all. You gave me hope and provided the anchor that I felt I greatly needed at that time. I will be forever grateful!
(Norelle 43 yrs)

My relationship is 1000 times better

My relationship is 1000 times better – truly! I can't believe it could be so good. We are talking more and negotiating the speed bumps...we are both much more positive and contented.
(Michael 53 yrs)